
General Questions

Just build my app

For convenience applications come already with a Makefile. So, the simplest way to build the application is:

$ git clone https://github.com/bird-house/MyApp.git
$ cd MyApp
$ make

Start the application with:

$ make start    # start supervisor
$ make status   # check status

Check the log files for errors:

$ cd ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse
$ ls var/log/

Generated config files are in etc/:

$ cd ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse
$ ls etc/

Just rebuild my app

Your application is checked out and system requirements are already installed:

$ cd MyApp
$ make install

To get the latest eggs from pypi you should run:

$ make clean install

If you have changed system requirements in your requirements.sh file:

$ cd MyApp
$ vim requirements.sh  # add system packages for your application
$ make sysinstall      # install requirements
$ make clean install   # run a clean build

Restart your application:

$ make restart
$ make status

Keep my data at a save place

By default all configuration and data files are stored below the installation root folder in the conda environment birdhouse:

$ cd ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse
$ ls
bin  conda-meta  etc  Examples  html  include  lib  libexec  man  opt  plugins  sbin  share  ssl  var

Configuration files are in the etc/ folder. Data (databases, caches, ...) and log files are in the var/ folder.

If you want to keep your data files in a location of your choice (the birdhouse location might change in the future ...) then move the var/ folder to that place and replace it with a softlink:

$ cd ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse
$ mv var /home/myself/Shared/var
$ ln -s /home/myself/Shared/var .

If you use a new var/ folder (contains no birdhouse files) then you need to run the installation again:

$ cd ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse
$ mv var var.old
$ ln -s /home/myself/Shared/var .
# run installation ...
$ cd ~/sandbox/bridhouse/myapp
$ make clean install

attention:: Make sure you have write access to the var/ folder.

Install my app with an unprivileged user

Your installation user has no sudo rights:

nobody$ git clone https://github.com/bird-house/MyApp.git
nobody$ cd MyApp

Run make sysinstall with a user who has sudo rights to install system requirements:

admin$ make sysinstall

The application build itself does not need sudo rights:

nobody$ make clean install
nobody$ make start
nobody$ make status

Update to the latest Makefile ...

Just do:

$ make selfupdate

There is no “make” on my system

Just do:

$ bash boostrap.sh # will install make and wget
$ make


Use a shared Anaconda installation

You can use an existing Anaconda installation which might be read-only and shared with others. For this set an environmet variable to point to this shared Anaconda location:

$ export ANACONDA_HOME=/opt/anaconda

The run your installation again:

$ make clean install

Choose a non default conda enviroment root directory

By default installation goes into the birdhouse environment which is in conda enviroments directory: ~.conda/envs/. You can overwrite the conda envs dir by settings the environment variable CONDA_ENVS_DIR:

$ export CONDA_ENVS_DIR=/opt/conda_envs

The run your installation again:

$ make clean install

Use my birdhouse conda environment

To activate the birdhouse environment do the following:

$ source activate birdhouse

Read the conda docs for further information:



Generate a docker image for my app

Just do:

$ make dockerbuild

Just generate a Dockerfile ...

Just do:

$ make Dockerfile

You can change the default docker base image in your custom.cfg:

$ vim custom.cfg
image-name = centos
image-version = centos6
maintainer = MyApp