
Birdhouse uses Buildout to setup Web Processing Service applications like Emu and Flyingpigeon with all configurations.

All Birdhouse WPS applications have a common way to bootstrap the buildout installation. Part of this bootstrap process is to install system packages required by the application and to initialize the buildout installation (, install Anaconda, ...). In addition there is a Makefile to simplify some tasks like cleaning the sources and running buildout.

The installation is using the Python distribution system Anaconda to maintain software dependencies. You may use an existing (shared, read-only access possible) Anaconda installation. For this set an environment variable to the location of your existing Anaconda, for example:

$ export ANACONDA_HOME=/opt/anaconda

If Anaconda is not available then a minimal Anaconda will be installed during the installation processes in your home directory ~/anaconda.

The installation process setups a conda environment named birdhouse. All additional packages and configuration files are going into this conda environment. The location is ~/.conda/envs/birdhouse.

There are two main files in this project: and Makefile.
A copy of this script needs to be in each Birdhouse application. It will fetch the current Makefile from the bootstrap github repo and install the essential system packages (wget, make, ...) to start an installation.
This Makefile has targets to bootstrap and run buildout to install the application.

Indices and tables